Entry seven: The Photoshop era?

  • This entry will be discussing the Photoshop era of which Photoshop can really shape the society.

    Adds in little dramatic song, a music video to  listen while reading my entry about the usage of Photoshop. Boglárka Csemer, hungarian singer-songwritter known as Boggie, 28, with her hit single that is “Nouveau Parfum”, in Hungarian: Parfüm. The music video’s message has a similar message as the Body Evolution, where models in the media are getting retouched with Photoshop.

This is the original music video – Hungarian version of Parfüm, the other version is in french – Nouveau Parfum. I have came across this music video while searching for case studies about Photoshop, and found this quite interesting music video which showing how the singer herself getting retouch with Photoshop, regarding to Cade, he said that people are familiar with Photoshop will know that the music video isn’t being done live as is being shown in the video” (Cade, 2014). As a design student myself, I agree with that, the Photoshop’s interface do not look anything like that, however, there are some tools in the video which it has shown some similar functions where Photoshop can achieve as well. Furthermore, the music video is showing that, how “Photoshop obscures our perception of reality and beauty” (Matthews, 2015), whereas with a few tools provided in the software itself, users can digitally transform and enhances one’s appearance. This might lead to a good thing or a bad thing, but, depends on the platforms that was being used on. Music video: Parfum. The left image is showing the process and the tools that can be used to adjust certain part, example, the brightness and contrast of the whole condition which makes the person looks a lot brighter and sharper rather than the right side of the image where it is showing the before and after getting retouched effect.

Examples.The first photo is Kim Kardashian’s #BreakTheInternet, second is The Dark Knight, Third is Keira Knightly’s movie poster of King Arthur.

Moreover, issues that have been floating around years of celebrities are often being photoshopped in magazines example, last year, 2014 #BreakTheInternet by Kim Kardashian where she was balancing a wine glass with her backside and popping the champagne, movie posters or advertisement, example, The Dark Knight: with the knowledge of Photoshop, different layers can be seen in making this poster, retouching human flaws, example, Keira Knightly’s movie poster for King Arthur of where her chest is being retouched and such can be seen throughout the years.

As four women has participated themselves in a Photoshop experiment, in this video shows how four women sees themselves differently and thinking the ideal beauty of which is hard to attain. From professional photo shooting to the final touch of retouching photos done by the Photoshop experts. Right after that, these women have voiced out their opinions after seeing the final stage of the photo, first person 1:11 – 1:14, ” I think ’cause I know myself, this looks really different.” , second person 1:15- 1:16, “Why would you want to make someone look so different?”, third person 1:17-1:23, ” I like my freckles, I think they add characters and in fact that there were gone, I don’t even know who that is.”, fourth person 1:24 -1:31 , ” Just a normal person, seeing yourself changed and your identity changed, it’s pretty shocking.”

This have come to me to some questions, can you accept and take on the role of being retouched digitally? If yes, how are you going to deal with the people that are against manipulating appearances? Or after seeing this video, are you having the similar questions to ask yourself about?

Hence, this is the power of Photoshop, however this is just a small part of it. As you can see from the examples that I have provided in this entry, it allow users to achieve the impossibilities in life with the tools provided, although it was just digitally and for a short period, but the outcome can be unexpected.

References list

Cade, D. (2014). Creative Music Video Gives Lead Singer a Photoshop Makeover as She Sings. [online] PetaPixel. Available at: http://petapixel.com/2014/01/21/creative-music-video-gives-lead-singer-photoshop-makeover-sings/ [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

Fortini, A. (2014). PAPERMAG: NO FILTER: An Afternoon With Kim Kardashian. [online] Papermag.com. Available at: http://www.papermag.com/2014/11/kim_kardashian.php [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

Gauthier, A. and Mielniczenko, E. (2015). Watch Four Women React To Being Photoshopped Into Cover Models. [online] BuzzFeed. Available at: http://www.buzzfeed.com/andrewgauthier/watch-four-women-react-to-being-photoshopped-into-cover-mode#.nfDJ5zmqPe [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

IV, L. (2014). Keira Knightly Protesting Photoshop by Posing Topless – theDBZ. [online] theDBZ. Available at: http://thedbz.com/keira-knightly-protesting-photoshop-by-posing-topless/ [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

Matthews, C. (2014).This Incredible Music Video Takes On Our Photoshop-Focused Culture. [online] The Huffington Post. Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/22/boggie-nouveau-parfum-photoshop-music-video_n_4645297.html [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

Wikipedia, (2015). Boggie. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boggie [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

Outlaw, D. (2011). 50 Brilliantly Photoshopped Movie Posters – Tuts+ Design & Illustration Article. [online] Design & Illustration Tuts+. Available at: http://design.tutsplus.com/articles/50-brilliantly-photoshopped-movie-posters–psd-2707 [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

YouTube, (2013). BOGGIE : PARFÜM. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qrGOi41iwE [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

YouTube, (2014). Photoshopping Real Women Into Cover Models. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRlpIkH3b5I [Accessed 21 Jun. 2015].

  • The next entry I will be discussing about how Photoshop works and gives impact in the creative industries.

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